Adult sloth. Image.

Baby Sloths Are Pretty Cute

Usually when you think of a sloth it’s of an adult sloth, taking its time in a tree, growing some moss. You’re about to look at sloths in a whole new way.

Introducing baby sloths–they’re pretty darn cute.

One cute baby sloth.

[flickr. iamrandygirl/ Creative Commons]
[flickr. iamrandygirl/ Creative Commons]
Two cute baby sloths.

[imgur via reddit/ Sherruf]
What’s better than 2 cute baby sloths?

Gotta be 3 cute baby sloths!

[imgur via reddit/ Sherruf]
A bucket full of baby sloths!

[imgur via reddit/Bipedal_Moon_Beavers]
Smile 🙂

[Featured image via flickr. thowra/ Creative Commons]

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