Pile of paperclips. Image.

A Clippy Throwback To The Old Microsoft Word

One of the best parts of the earlier versions of Microsoft Word were the virtual office assistants. But out of the cat, the globe, and the scientist, Clippy was always the best. And he’s back–sort of.

[imgur. Clinkenbeard]
An imgur user called Clinkenbeard decided to play an April Fool’s Day prank at the office by constructing an army of Clippys. The Clippys were then placed with some helpful hints–as Clippy is known for his helpfulness and intelligence.

An army is born.

[imgur. Clinkenbeard]
Clippy is so helpful, just not when it comes to being a paperclip.

[imgur. Clinkenbeard]
See more of these witty Clippy notes on the prankster’s gallery.

Ah, Clippy.

[flickr. Bil Simser/ Creative Commons]
[flickr. Bil Simser/ Creative Commons]
[Featured image via flickr. avrenim_acceber/ Creative Commons]

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