Tag Archives: sports

Just In Time For The World Cup–Office Soccer

The World Cup in Brazil is only about a month away. What better way to get ready than by playing an exciting game of soccer (football) in the office? Continue reading Just In Time For The World Cup–Office Soccer

Guinea Pigs Play Basketball

Take two cute, fuzzy guinea pigs. Teach them to play basketball. And some serious cuteness follows. Continue reading Guinea Pigs Play Basketball

Softball Game Delayed Because Of Glove-Stealing Dog

Rain delays are fairly common in baseball and softball. But what about dog delays? Now, it’s happened at least once. Continue reading Softball Game Delayed Because Of Glove-Stealing Dog

Skydiving Off The World’s Tallest Building

A video of two people skydiving off of the world’s tallest building? That’s something you don’t get to see just every day. Continue reading Skydiving Off The World’s Tallest Building

Baseball Player Hits Cover Off Baseball

It’s something that’s usually reserved for the movies. The pitcher throws the ball, and the batter swings, hitting the baseball into play hard enough that the leather cover comes clean off. And the ball bursts into flames. Continue reading Baseball Player Hits Cover Off Baseball

The Furry (And Scaly) Final Four

As many of you may have noticed, the NCAA men’s basketball tournament has reached the semifinals. That means there are four teams left to duke it out, (Pun intended–sorry Duke.) and we all know the most accurate way to predict the winners.

That’s right–by looking at adorable pictures of their furry (and scaly) mascots! Continue reading The Furry (And Scaly) Final Four

Rabbit On The Field

With the World Cup only a few short months away, it’s time to analyze the most important aspects of what many call the beautiful game, namely a fluffy bunny invading the field during a match in the Brazilian state of Paraná. Continue reading Rabbit On The Field

Speed Skating, Mario Kart-Style

While watching people in shiny, brightly-colored suits skate around in circles is strangely mesmerizing in itself, this Mario Kart version takes the Koopa Troopa shell.

Continue reading Speed Skating, Mario Kart-Style