Tag Archives: goat

Goat Riding Guy Riding Bike

Nothing much to see here–just a goat riding a guy riding a bike. Continue reading Goat Riding Guy Riding Bike

Donkey And Goat Are Best Friends

This is the story of a goat and a donkey and the unbreakable friendship between them. Really, this goat and this donkey are inseparable. Continue reading Donkey And Goat Are Best Friends

7 Animals In Sweaters

While most people are super stoked that winter is coming to an end in the Northern hemisphere, there is one thing that animal lovers are sure to miss. Animals wearing sweaters! These critters get even cuter with their warm and fuzzy sweaters.
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Got Your Goat?

In a long history of cute animal videos, here’s something refreshing: goats. Yes, that’s right. Goat owners have been keeping their goats’ all-out cuteness and athletic prowess secret for so long. But now the secret’s out, and the world loves it.

[Max Murs]
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