Tag Archives: dogs

Dogs Versus Cats

In the arena of animal cuteness, there is an ongoing battle between dogs and cats for the title of the most adorable. Let’s take a look at what dogs have to offer. Continue reading Dogs Versus Cats

Beach Animals Of Summer

The weather is starting to heat up, and all the cute animals are headed out to the beach. Take a look at these beach animals of summer. Continue reading Beach Animals Of Summer

A Dog And His Bucket

Usually it’s a dog and his bone. But this dog’s favorite toy is his big, red bucket, and it’s pretty cute to watch. Continue reading A Dog And His Bucket

Happy Dogs Only Make Happy Cuter

Put together a catchy tune and some cute animals, and you get “Happy” by Pharrell Williams and a whole bunch of fun-loving dogs (and a cat) hanging out at the beach. Continue reading Happy Dogs Only Make Happy Cuter

Softball Game Delayed Because Of Glove-Stealing Dog

Rain delays are fairly common in baseball and softball. But what about dog delays? Now, it’s happened at least once. Continue reading Softball Game Delayed Because Of Glove-Stealing Dog

FedEx Delivery Truck On The Loose

Sometimes it’s just so hard to tame those wild delivery trucks, and this FedEx driver found that out the hard way when his truck decided to make a break for it. Continue reading FedEx Delivery Truck On The Loose

20 Things You Think While Walking Dogs With Sweaters


[flickr.circulating/Creative Commons]

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