Category Archives: Entertainment

Human Transformer Shows Transformers Are Real

They first made their appearance in cartoons. Then they hit the big screen. But now they’re taking it to the streets. Transformers are no longer keeping themselves under wraps. Continue reading Human Transformer Shows Transformers Are Real

LEGO Pokemon Are Pretty Cool

There is no end to creativity when it comes to LEGOs. And Pokemon are always a hit–even Google Maps got in on the Pokemon action. So, LEGOs plus Pokemon make for a pretty awesome no-brainer. Continue reading LEGO Pokemon Are Pretty Cool

Happy Dogs Only Make Happy Cuter

Put together a catchy tune and some cute animals, and you get “Happy” by Pharrell Williams and a whole bunch of fun-loving dogs (and a cat) hanging out at the beach. Continue reading Happy Dogs Only Make Happy Cuter

Anime And Granola Bars Team Up

Are anime and granola bars really such an unlikely pair? According to Nature Valley granola bars, the pairing makes perfect sense. Continue reading Anime And Granola Bars Team Up

Dine With Stuffed Animals In Japan

A cafe in Japan has taken childhood tea parties with teddy bears to the next level. Continue reading Dine With Stuffed Animals In Japan

Donut Done Lord Of The Rings Style

What do you get when you put a Lord of the Rings fan in a donut shop? A donut so powerful that warriors from many lands are entranced by its sweetness. Continue reading Donut Done Lord Of The Rings Style

Mesmerizing GIFs

Whoa. With the web being flooded by more and more GIFs, sometimes simple is brilliant. Continue reading Mesmerizing GIFs

Have Cat, Can Travel

Literally–the Japanese food and shopping company Lotte has dreamed up every cat lover’s new wish for the future.
Continue reading Have Cat, Can Travel

Hedgehog On The Cover

National Geographic’s cover for April 2014 gets an A+ in adorable. It features a sweet, rolled-up hedgehog.
Continue reading Hedgehog On The Cover

Speed Skating, Mario Kart-Style

While watching people in shiny, brightly-colored suits skate around in circles is strangely mesmerizing in itself, this Mario Kart version takes the Koopa Troopa shell.

Continue reading Speed Skating, Mario Kart-Style