Otters play piano. Image.

Otters Play Piano

When animals get a chance to play the piano, absolute cuteness follows. Just think of Keyboard Cat. Well, these otters are challenging him for the title of cutest on the keyboard.

Otters play piano.

It’s not just camera magic. They are actually playing the piano–and having fun with it.

[Video via youtube/ Smithsonian’s National Zoo]

Fun and games make for cuteness and learning.

These otters get to be cute and learn at the same time. Here’s how the zoo introduces its video.

“Move over, Mozart! Asian small-clawed otter paws fly across the keyboard as part of their #ZooEnrichment. The otters are given the choice to play the keyboard or just sit back and enjoy the show—engaging their sight, touch, and hearing senses.”–Smithsonian’s National Zoo via Youtube

But this isn’t the first time that the zoo has used enrichment activities that made for a cute result. On St. Patrick’s Day, they gave some zoo occupants rainbow and shamrock themed treats.


[Featured image via flickr. 68732830@N06/ Creative Commons]

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