Granola bars and anime team up. Image.

Anime And Granola Bars Team Up

Are anime and granola bars really such an unlikely pair? According to Nature Valley granola bars, the pairing makes perfect sense.

Nature Valley teams up with anime.

Or maybe it’s the other way around. Nature Valley, known for their granola bars, is getting some extra marketing help from their fans.

Social media works in mysterious ways, like back in April with an innocent tweet about granola bars and anime. This tweet got some anime artists thinking and started off an anime art and granola bar fad on Nature Valley’s twitter page.

Now that’s pretty awesome. But what’s even more awesome is that the company is making great use out of this added attention in the anime world. Hey, if it’s a chance to bring in more customers and look cool at the same time, why not?

Fan art gets a retweet. Check it out:

Here are some of the anime plus granola bar images that fans have been sending to Nature Valley:

That’s pretty cool to look at.

Let’s use those powers (of coolness) for good.

Nature Valley is already working to help preserve parks in the United States. So, having a few anime heroes on their side can only help. Plus, the added fan attention can only benefit their product and their cause.

Got granola?


[Featured image via flickr. 9296771@N06/ Creative Commons]

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