Tiny hamster eats tiny pizza. Image.

Tiny Hamster Eats Tiny Pizza

Once upon a time in the land of Youtube, there was a tiny hamster who ate a tiny burrito, and he was the cutest hamster in the land. But a competitor has entered the realm.

A tiny hamster eats a tiny pizza.

Behold the tiny hamster who eats a tiny pizza. (Well, it’s more like a tiny slice of pizza. But shapes aside, in comparison to the size of the hamster, the ratio is more like that of an entire pizza.)

[Video via youtube/ AprilsAnimals]

This cute, little ball of fluff’s name is Chicken, and in comparison to the banana, you can tell that she is really quite tiny. But that didn’t seem to lessen her appetite. She does seem to prefer the toppings over the crust though.

But crust or no crust, cuteness always wins.


[Featured image via flickr. superchango/ Creative Commons]

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