Dog with softball. Image.

Softball Game Delayed Because Of Glove-Stealing Dog

Rain delays are fairly common in baseball and softball. But what about dog delays? Now, it’s happened at least once.

A softball game between two NCAA softball teams had to be delayed because a dog just couldn’t resist playing a rousing game of fetch.

[Video via youtube/ WOUAthletics]

Catch me if you can.

This isn’t the first time animals have tried to get in the middle of a sporting event. Some cute little bunnies invaded the field during a match in Brazil.

[Video via youtube/ UniversidadeHacker]

And who could forget St. Louis’s good-luck charm, the rally squirrel.

Cuteness is definitely welcome. And glove-stealing dogs just add to the entertainment factor. So, there’s really nothing to lose by adding animals into the game–except maybe a glove or two.


[Featured image via flickr. 35131991@N07/ Creative Commons]

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