Books hanging from tree. Image.

Books Come To Life

Books provide more than just a good story. Some artists took their books and decided to turn them into 3D pieces of art. These are way cooler than the typical kid’s pop-up book. The fantasy tale is taken to the next level.

[imgur via reddit]

This kimono-wearing paper sculpture has something to say about those overdue books. [flickr. carmichaellibrary/ Creative Commons]
This piece is titled “Required Reading” and just about every high schooler on the planet can attest to that. [flickr. Morgen Bell/ Creative Commons]
I’m watching you. [flickr. scrappy annie/ Creative Commons]
Books are guided daydreams. [flickr. Keri/ Creative Commons]
Strategic folds make this book really pop. [flickr. Theen Moy/ Creative Commons]
The words just fly of the pages. [flickr. Christopher Porter/ Creative Commons]
Books as architecture in a shop window in Munich. [flickr. Ines Seidel/ Creative Commons]
A humble book transforms into a bunch of brightly-colored butterflies. [flickr. Zhao !/ Creative Commons]
[Featured image via flickr. Thomas Guignard/ Creative Commons]

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