Hedgehog eating from bowl. Image.

Hedgehog On The Cover

National Geographic’s cover for April 2014 gets an A+ in adorable. It features a sweet, rolled-up hedgehog.

There’s a hedgehog on National Geographic’s April 2014 cover. [photo via National Geographic]
But getting that perfect cuteness factor came at a price, albeit a somewhat humorous one:

In some ways, taking a picture of a tiger would have been simpler than aiming at a hedgehog. … The slightest movement or scrape of lighting equipment [causes this] tiny quill-covered subject to withdraw [its] head. — Tom O’Neill, National Geographic

Imagine a room full of people holding their breath, trying not to disturb (or frighten) a dainty (but prickly) hedgehog.

This covergirl’s named Harley, but she’s not the only one who can pose for a pic. Darcy the Flying Hedgehog has gained some Instagram fame of her own. One look and you’ll be totally hooked. She is just so darn cute. Here’s a quick preview:

Darcy the flying hedgehog comparing her quills to a brush. [Photo by Shota Tsukamoto via Instagram. darcytheflyinghedgehog]
National Geographic’s featured story, as alluded to by the text on the cover, goes beyond the hedgehog to focus on exotic animals and all the intrigue that surrounds them. Definitely a topic worthy of discussion and all rolled into the image of a lovely-but-bristly animal.

[Cover Photo via flickr.J.Loov/Creative Commons]

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