20 Things You Think While Walking Dogs With Sweaters


[flickr.circulating/Creative Commons]

It takes a brave man to walk three dogs in sweaters around town. Here are 20 of the things he is (most likely) thinking:

1. “If I wear camo and walk with those trees in the background…maybe they can’t see me?”

2. “Maybe I should have taken the dogs for a walk before breakfast…or when it’s dark outside.”

3. “Can they walk any faster?”

4. “Are people staring?”

5. “We really should coordinate those sweaters…”

6. “Are there always this many people out now?”

7. “I hope their feet aren’t cold.”

8. “Maybe I should knit them some socks.”

9. “Spring can’t be that far away, right?”

10. “Or can it?”

11. “Maybe we should start going for runs.”

12. “The sun is feeling a bit toasty.”

13. “Are these sweaters or dog-sized onesies?”

14. “Look straight ahead and don’t make eye contact.”

15. “This shows my sensitive side, right?”

16. “I see a cloud! Maybe we should just go back.”

17. “I wonder who came up with these dog sweaters.”

18. “Maybe I could start to make money off this.”

19. “Yeah…money.”

20. “Yeah, maybe this isn’t so bad.”

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